
Return to school prompts council to highlight national guidance on why school attendance is important

As parents and carers prepare with their children for the new academic year, Oxfordshire County Council is highlighting national guidance and information on why regular school attendance has many benefits.

Being around teachers and friends in a school or college environment is the best way for pupils to learn and reach their potential, with details on the Department for Education’s website.

Time in school keeps children safe and provides access to extra-curricular opportunities, such as sports and other out of hours’ activities.

The higher a pupil’s attendance, the more they are likely to learn and achieve.

Oxfordshire County Council is also highlighting that parents and guardians have a legal duty to ensure their child gets a full-time education. Usually, that means going into school from the age of five to 16. 

Councillor Liz Brighouse, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Youth Services, said: “Most children and young people are now looking forward to returning to school after the long summer break, but many will be anxious about the return. Too many children are not attending on a regular basis, and we know that every day of learning lost has an impact later.

“Our schools are working hard to make every child feel included and for those that do feel anxious please talk to an adult at your school. I hope for the next academic year those who are looking forward to getting back to friends, the social life and learning join with those who feel anxious, to make school a great place for everyone.”

Throughout the summer, various holiday activity programmes – such as Oxford City Council's youth ambition and similar opportunities in South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse – have been helping children build their confidence ready for the new school term. Further information, with links to additional holiday activities and food programme providers, is available on Oxfordshire County Council’s website.

Weekly youth clubs also run during term time to help young people stay connected and supported.  


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