Social media

The council’s social media consists of our main Oxfordshire County Council corporate accounts and service area accounts.

We use our social media channels to engage with and inform residents, businesses and stakeholders about our services and to tell the story of who we are.

Our corporate channels

Our corporate channels are monitored between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.  

Our customer services team are only available to answer general queries on social media between 10am and 2pm, Monday to Friday. Our services are closed on bank holidays.

There are other ways to contact the customer services team outside of these hours.

Phone numbers and ways to contact our main teams and services

Our house rules

We welcome discussion about the council and its services and will always seek to answer your queries and pass your feedback on to the relevant person or department.  

Please keep it clean, no swearing or abusive language – let’s be kind and have a healthy debate. 

We may remove comments or posts that do not observe the following: 

  • Be civil, tasteful, and relevant 
  • Do not post messages that are unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, or racially offensive 
  • Do not swear 
  • Do not post content for which you do not own the copyright 
  • Do not post the same message, or very similar messages, more than once (i.e. don't spam) 
  • Do not post other people’s personal information 
  • Do not advertise products or services 
  • Do not impersonate someone else 

 We reserve the right to block users who are unable to abide by these conditions.