
A statement from Councillor Jenny Hannaby on Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection

A statement from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care in Oxfordshire

Over the past two years, our adult social care workforce has worked during both unprecedented and challenging times. Throughout the pandemic, our staff, partners and the voluntary sector have continued to provide quality care and support for residents with additional needs, oftentimes making incredible personal sacrifices.

Today is Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection, a chance for us all to pause and reflect on the commitment and dedication of those working in adult social care. It is also a chance to remember those whom we have lost to the COVID-19 pandemic, and their loved ones.

Jenny Hannaby-A (1)

You can write a tribute online to this digital wall in order to remember someone you know who lost their life during the pandemic. Or, you can choose to write a thank you on this digital wall to someone you know in the sector who’s made an impact to you or your loved ones during the pandemic.

I would like to personally extend my thanks to each and every person working in this crucial area of care. Your efforts towards supporting Oxfordshire residents today and every day has been instrumental in our ability to provide the utmost care to those most in need. Thank you.

- Councillor Jenny Hannaby


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