
New adult social care directory now available

Oxfordshire Support Finder 2014, produced at no cost to the county council, details services across Oxfordshire to support people and their family members to lead the lives they want.

If people look after someone else who needs support and care the directory can help them find the support they need for themselves.

Oxfordshire Support Finder 2014 is part of the council's work to enable people to live as successful, independent and safe lives as is possible. It contains information about support to live at home, how to find out about support and care options and how much people might pay for it, or how they can find the right place for them to live.

The county council already has information about support services in Oxfordshire online, including advice about keeping safe and living at home and has joined with Care Choices Ltd to spread guidance in a paper-form directory (PDF, 1MB).

Having the right information

Councillor Judith Heathcoat, Oxfordshire County Council's Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said: "We believe that people are best-placed themselves to make decisions about care they receive.

"When choosing care people should be armed with the most up-to-date information to help them decide which kind of care is most suitable, who can provide it and how it is funded."

"Oxfordshire Support Finder 2014 will be another useful tool for people who want to find out more about local care services.

"It builds on the Oxfordshire Support Finder information that is already available on the county council’s website and is part of the council’s overall work to support and promote strong communities so that people live their lives as successfully, independently and safely as possible.

"Producing it has not cost the council any money as it has been funded entirely through advertising."

Where can I get a copy?

Free copies of Oxfordshire Support Finder can be obtained from March in libraries, council offices and Health and Wellbeing Centres and via Oxfordshire County Council’s Social and Health Care team on 0845 050 7666.

Oxfordshire support finder is also available in e-book format with a spoken word option via Care Choices.