
Early years foundation stage profile results

Oxfordshire’s ‘Good Level of Development’

In Oxfordshire, in 2015, children’s ‘Good Level of Development’ at the end of the reception year was in line with the national level.

However, outcomes for children eligible for Pupil Premium (families on low incomes) were well below expectations. This has been a pattern for some years.

We are hoping that in 2016 Oxfordshire’s Good Level of Development will be above the national level, and that the ‘gap’ between children eligible for Pupil Premium, and those who are not, reduces from 23% to 20% or less.

Ofsted will expect you to be able to show how you are supporting any children from families on a low income, who attend your school or setting, to boost their chances of achieving a Good Level of Development at the end of the reception year.

More information

We have produced this guide to interpreting and analysing EYFS profile data (pdf format, 269Kb).

All data is taken from the Department for Education's early years foundation stage profile results: 2014 to 2015.