
Council improves access on Thames Path and bridleway at Whitchurch

Users are thanked for their cooperation and consideration whilst the works were carried out.

What was the problem?

This section of bridleway is very steep and narrow. Steps were in place for many years to replace a natural slope, but we removed the steps recently because they were assessed as a hazard to users and were also deemed to be ‘out of repair’.

We are aware of a number of incidents, both formally recorded and anecdotal, where users of the bridleway had experienced difficulty negotiating this feature. In one incident on the steps, a cyclist had been hospitalised and many horse riders have found the route impossible to negotiate for many years. Even some walkers found the steps difficult to use.

What have we done to improve matters?

Our Tasks Team and specialist contractor have installed a replacement flight of steps, a handrail, and an improved surface to the side of the steps, which means safer continued use of the bridleway by walkers, cyclists and horseriders.